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Science communication

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

– Albert Einstein

Technical Articles

5. Hayes, D.S. (2022). Kräftemessen zwischen Wasserkraft und Ökologie. Aqua Viva – Die Zeitschrift für Gewässerschutz, 2/2022, 8-11 [reprint of Aqua Viva 2019].

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4. Hayes, D. (2020). Snorkeling – an effective survey method for fisheries managers and wildlife enthusiasts. FISH magazine, 138(3), 34-35.

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3. Graf, W., Leitner, P., Hayes, D. (2019). The importance of instream reservoir structures for the biodiversity of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna in the Viennese Danube. Danube News, 39(21), 9-11.

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2. Hayes, D.S. (2019). Kräftemessen zwischen Wasserkraft und Ökologie. Aqua Viva – Die Zeitschrift für Gewässerschutz, 1, 8-12.

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1. Hayes, D.S., & Pinter, K. (2017). Schnorcheln: eine einfache Methode zur Gewinnung quantitativer Daten fischereilich relevanter Fischarten. Österreichs Fischerei, 70(2/3), 59-73.

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Blog Post​s

7. Schneider, M., Siegfried, T., Hayes, D., Verhelst, P., Karimov, B., Karimov, E., & Otabek, O. (2023). Protection of fish biodiversity in mountainous areas of Central Asia. Hydro4U blog, 15 December 2023.

6. Hayes, D.S. (2023). Harnessing open-source datasets for global Water–Food–Energy–Climate Nexus analysis, demonstrated in Central Asia. Hydro4U blog, 9 October 2023.

5. Hayes, D.S. (2023). Global experts identify top 100 questions to improve sustainable management of hydropeaking. Hydro4U blog, 20 September 2023.

4. De Keyser, J., & Hayes, D.S. (2023). Small-scale hydropower potential analysis and fish sampling campaign in Central Asia | Recent updates from Hydro4U partner BOKU. Hydro4U blog, March 27, 2023.


3. Wagner, B., Habersack, H., & Hayes, D.S. (2022). University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences draws upon 150 years of international research and management expertise. Hydro4U blog, January 21, 2022.

2. Hayes, D. (2020). Hydropeaking – can the impacts on salmonids be reduced? Wild Trout Trust blog, April 28, 2020.

1. Hayes, D. (2020). Assessing Ethiopian river water quality: indicator choice matters. The Freshwater blog, April 24, 2020.

Fishing Magazine Articles​

10. Hayes, D. (2024). Neue Studie stellt Fischbesatz in Baggerteichen in Frage. Fisch & Wasser, 3, 10-11.

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9. Hayes, D. (2022). Das Wandern ist des Fisches Lust. Vorarlberger Fischerei, August-October, 20-23. [reprint of Fischer Trend Report 2022]

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8. Benyes, D. & Hayes, D. (2022). Gesetze schützen Wasser. Fischer Trend Report 2022, 3, 45-49.

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7. Hayes, D. (2022). Das Wandern ist des Fisches Lust. Fischer Trend Report 2022, 3, 50-53.

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6. Hayes, D. (2021). Vom Elfenbeinturm ans Wasser. Fischer Trend Report 2021 [Austria edition], 2, 63-66.

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5. Hayes, D. (2021). Fortschritt oder Stillstand. Fischer Trend Report 2021 [Austria edition], 2, 59-62.

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4. Hayes, D. (2021). Fischers Fritz und die Kassa. Fischer Trend Report 2021 [Germany edition], 2, 24-27.

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3. Hayes, D. (2020). Von Kormoranen und Fischerkarten. Fischer Trend Report 2020, 1, 41-46.

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2. Hayes, D. (2017). Wo die Erde endet und das Meer beginnt. Fisch & Wasser, 4, 42-45.

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1. Hayes, D. (2016). Verborgene Juwele. Fisch & Wasser, 4, 12-13.

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